Our Newest Blue Jays: Ukrainian Native Looks for New Start in Her ‘Dream’ Field

Anastasiia Kriner from Mariupol, Ukraine is set to start her American college journey this Fall. Growing up in Mariupol, Ukraine, Anastasiia Kriner dreamed of a career in the medical field. When it came time for college, however, her family didn’t have the money to send her to a medical university. She instead achieved Bachelor’s andRead more >

Manor College 75 | Basileiad Library on Display

这些描绘马诺学院图书馆的木雕出现在校园的许多办公室里。卡塔尔世界杯出线名单作为曼纳学院75周年校卡塔尔世界杯出线名单庆的一部分,我们通过讲述学院的历2022年世界杯预选赛比赛规则史故事来探索学院的历史。这包括可以在校园或社区中看到的多年文物。The Artifact: Wooden CutoutRead more >

Manor College 75 | The Manor College Foxes?

As evidenced by a small glass, Manor College once went by the Foxes. As part of Manor College’s 75th Anniversary, we’re exploring the college’s history through telling stories about the history of the college. This includes artifacts throughout the years that can be seen on campus or in the community. The Artifact: A small glassRead more >

Our Newest Blue Jays: Bangladesh Trip Helps Philadelphia Native Recognize Gratitude for Resources

Ahead of the 2022-2023 academic year, Manor College is introducing a few of its newest students. Afreen Snaha visit with family in Bangladesh this Summer gave her a fresh perspective. Afreen Snaha, an incoming freshman at Manor College, spent several weeks this summer visiting family in Bangladesh. While she traveled to the country to celebrateRead more >