Healthcare Administration Degree

Healthcare Administration student studying in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania Healthcare is big business in America and has become increasingly complex. As we grapple with issues such as an aging population, how to make care accessible, affordable, and how to manage ever-changing regulations affecting healthcare; the need for highly educated and skilled professionals is growing.

From practitioners to patients, policies to paperwork — administrators are a vital part of ensuring the survival of health care organizations and maintaining vital communities as a result.

Also available as a fullyonline program!

Why You Should Choose Manor

在马诺,我们的教职员工致力于见证你的成功。With our flexible scheduling, 9:1 student/teacher ratio and close-knit intrapersonal atmosphere – you will be given the opportunity to advance academically and professionally.

Our Healthcare Administration degree program will enable you to successfully enter careers that:

(1)improve doctor patient relationships in a medical care setting;

(2)serve the community as health educators; and

(3)provide knowledge and assistance to the community as a health advocate.

Career Opportunities

As a graduate of Manor’s Healthcare Administration program, you would qualify to work at a healthcare agency, in a business or medical care setting, or serve the community as a health educator, health advocate or health/office manager.

Read theSuggested Curriculum Sequence(updated: 3/19)

Read theAcademic Program Learning Outcomes.