Fall 2021: Free Tutoring at Manor College

The Learning Center is now located in the Library. Students can meet with tutors, borrow laptop computers and get help with daily assignments.

大部分辅导将在2021年秋季学期通过预约方式进行。请使用下面的按钮提交预约辅导的请求。大部分的辅导是在线的,但是在图书馆也可以进行面对面的辅导。Social distancing and masks are required for face-to-face tutoring.

Taking a math or science course? Consider also usingtutor.comas an additional tutoring option.
Tutor.com provides 24/7 ‘on demand’ online tutoring for students in math and/or science courses Tutor.com requires no advance appointment. Just click the link on the Home Page of your course, log in with your Manor email, and begin working with a tutor.
Students in math and science courses can usetutor.com, and also make appointments with Manor College tutors.
Tutoring services include assistance with the following:
  • Writing and editing for all essays, papers, and projects
  • Annotations and citations
  • Lab reports
  • Textbook reading
  • Coaching for English language learners
  • Study skills
  • Time management
  • Managing Canvas
  • Graphing, and use of spreadsheets and calculators
  • Math and science review

For any questions about tutoring availability email Elinore Leonards ateleonards@www.mumango.com.